tihar of nepal
Tihar (Dipawali) - everything you ever wanted to know about Tihar... its all here!
See Also : Tihar Greeting Cards Send to your freinds or loved ones today!
- About Tihar - Briefs on the Tihar festival (Tika, Colors, Money, Appreciation of sisters and brothers!)
- Tihar Day 1 - Kag Tihar - worshiping of crows - feed them and keep them happy
- Tihar Day 2 - Kukur Tihar - worshiping of dogs - the protector of our homes
- Tihar Day 3 - Cow Tika - worshiping of cows
- Tihar Day 3 - Laxmi Puja - worshiping of Fortune Goddess
- Tihar Day 3 - Tihar Songs: Bhailini - girls sing an unique song!
- Tihar Day 4 - Various Puja and Tihar Song: Deusi - boys sing Deusi, a popular Tihar song!
- Tihar Day 4 - Tihar Songs : Deusi - Pujas and singing Tihar's special song
- Tihar Day 5 - Tika Day (Final Day) - tika for a long life!
- More on Tihar - Description of Tihar Tika, tihar vs Diwali, and many more topics here...
- Tihar Holidays - When does Tihar Start This year? (links opens in a new window)
- Web Links - where to go for further information on Tihar plus Tihar greeting cards?
About Tihar : The Nepali festival Tihar is also known by many names such as Dipawali or Bhai Tika or Laxmi Puja or as a festival of lights. It is a five-days festival, which comes soon after the Dashain Festival, and Tihar is all about worshiping of different animals such as crow, dog, cow, and worshiping of the Hindu Goddess of Fortune or Wealth (Goddess Laxmi), and cooking great meals at home, brothers and sisters shopping for gifts, flying kites, decorating homes and streets, playing cards with friends, resting and relaxing, and finally ending the festival with an exchange of a special temporary mark on forehead (tika in Nepali). The last day of the festival is known as Tika day or popularly known as Bhai Tika day (Bhai in Nepali means Brother). To sum up Tihar festival, Tihar is the festival when sisters wish a long life to their brothers (Bhai)!
Tihar is a festival for brothers and sisters, but What if you are a brother without a sister or a sister without a brother. Well, you can make one by accepting someone close to you in your relatives. If nothing works, you find one among your friends and neighbors, it becomes almost as if it was real. Whom ever you made your sister or brother remains so for life, and each year this festival makes your bond stronger. Tihar is a festival of sisters wishing a long life to their brothers, and Tihar is the most popular festival in Nepal. So hold on to your topi (hat), loads of excitement and fun are coming at you now!
Days of Tihar :
![]() | Tihar and Songs : Deusi Songs (4th Day) Male members sing what is called Deusi or Deusuray in Nepali. You can write just about any Deusi song as long as each line ends with the word `Deusi' or `Deosuray'. A group of males get together, carry what-ever musical instruments they have or can play, and sing Deusi door to door blessing the home and family in return for money and/or refreshments. Teenagers perform various Deosi songs to collect money for their picnic! Some may play Deusi to collect money to build a new trail in a far away village in Nepal! During the Tihar festival the only kind of songs you are most likely to hear from local Radio stations are nothing but Tihar Songs, Bhailo, Deusi and folk songs about sisters or brothers unable to see each other during the festival due to various reasons. A poor sister, now a daughter-in-law may not get even a day's break to visit her brother on this special day, and she might sing a song to make your tears flow! A Sample of Deusi Song. Includes a similar meaning in English Bhana Mera Bhaiho Deusuray. (Say it my brothers, Say it. Deusuray) Sormelai Kana Deusuray. (Say it louder and say it in tune. Deusuray) Rato Batoo Deusuray. (Red mud trail. Deusuray) ![]() Laddai Paddai Deusuray. (Slipping and Sliding. Deusuray) Akeya Hami Deusuray. (Finally we made it to your home! Deusuray) .... .... Deusuray .... .... Deusuray .... .... Deusuray Yo Garma Laxmi Deusuray. (In this home Lord Laxmi. Deusuray) Sadthai Aun Deusuray. (Always come. Deusuray) Hamilai Denus Deusuray. (Give us what you have money or meal) Bidtha Garnus Deusuray. (Please give us now, say good bye to us, so we sing for next home!) (For an audio sample, visit web links at the end of this page! Tihar and Myself! (4th Day) - The fourth day of the Tihar is also about worshiping yourself. This puja (worshiping) is known as as Mahapuja. This is also the first day of the special annual calendar of an ethnic group known as Newar residing in Nepal. The coming of a new year is also celebrated in Tihar. Also a popular ritual of the day is the Govardhan puja or Goru Tihar (Oxen Worshiping). Oxen are worshiped on this day as they till lands and help grow crops to sustain life. |
More on Tihar...

Tihar and Lights and Candles - Tihar is a time of candlelight, tinsel decoration and festive colored sweets, and more often this festival is also known by the name `Festival of Lights'. Tihar is probably the best festival of all due to its short holiday period yet packed with much excitement unlike other Nepali festivals!
Tihar and Rani Pokharai (Pond) - Rani Pokhara is located at the center of Kathmandu. This famous pond has a small holy temple located at the center. The compound's door is locked all year around except on the day of Bhai Tika. Those who do not have sisters enter the temple to receive tika from priets.
Tihar and Holidays - Although Tihar is of five days festival, only 3 days are the official holidays except for schools and colleges. The official holidays are 3rd day of Tihar (Laxmi Puja), Fourth Day of Tihar(Govardha Puja) and the Final Day: 5th Day of Tihar(Tika Day)
Tihar and Cooking - Sisters prepare unique Nepali meal at home for brothers. This includes making of the famous Nepali bread known as Nepali Roti or Sel or Sel Roti (as two words together). This kind of bread is also known as Funnel Cakes in southern parts of the Unites States and are lively exhibited by country folks during annual fairs. It's made by deep frying a mixture of fine rice flour, sugar, and water. The mixture is placed in the frying oil in circle by hand or by the help of a funnel. Nepali Sel Roti is popular for its crispy and crunchy taste, and is the number one treat in any festivals in Nepal. Bunches and Bunches of Sel Roti are made during Tihar by loving hands of sisters, and Sel Rotis travel from villages to villages in the bags of brothers!
Tihar and Shopping (Tihar and Sagun!) - What do Nepalese shop for during the period? Shopping of cooking items such as oil, butter, clothes for brothers and sisters, and sweets. In city, sisters shop for dried fruit products such as cashew, almonds, and fresh fruits in large amount while in villages sisters prepare home-made sweets and breads. The mixture of dried fruits along with sweets and candies are packed usually in a plastic bag, this package is known as `Sagun', This single brand is the most popular shopping item of the season, and you can see it everywhere in open markets! Sagun is given to brothers by sisters on the Tika Day, and in return, brothers give sisters gifts such as new clothes and/or money.
Tihar vs Diwali : Nepali Tihar and Indian Diwali festival are similar in many ways. For example, worshiping of Laxmi Goddess, and celebrating of the festival with candle lights, oil lamps and fireworks are common to both the festivals. Both the festivals are called as Festivals of Lights. Diwali (Dipavali) is also about celebrating the coming of the new year. Tihar also celebrates the coming of the new year (see 4th day of Tihar for more). Celebration of the bond between brothers and sisters are also common to both the festivals.
Web Links on Tihar : - related resource on the internet
- Picasaweb - Dipesh:Tihar - a Nepali shares his Tihar Album
- Photobucket - Search:Tihar - various images on this festival from PhotoBucket
- Anju Banjade's Tihar Pictures - pictures taken on the Tika Day!
- Geocities.com:pagetopage - a sample of the Tihar Song Deusi or Deusuray!
- Khattam.com:tihar-cards - with 20 Tihar Cards
- NepalHorizons.com:Sunu:Pics - a Nepali family in USA, with pictures from Tihar festival
- 123greetings.com - Diwali greeting cards - over 100 Diwali cards here
- My-India.net - Diwali / Dipavali e-Cards
- TheHolidayspot.com - learn about Diwali festival
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